For REGULAR GIVING and GIFT AID, see below
Please remember by using Gift Aid, as a UK Taxpayer, you make your giving worth 25% more
If you are a taxpayer, and not already registered with the Parish, can we encourage you to start Gift Aiding your donations. This would cover any offertory donations and most retiring collections. By doing this the Parish will be able to reclaim 25p for every £1 you donate at no cost to yourself.
We can provide you with a simple form to fill in which will register you with the Diocese as a Gift Aid donor. We can then provide you with a box of envelopes for your donations.
If you wish to start donating by standing order rather than weekly envelopes, we have this form available as well.
For further information or copy of the forms please contact:
Parish Gift Aid Co-Ordinators: Tony & Joan ga.stgeorge-stteresa.dorridge@rcaob.org.uk